Let companies directly find you
based on your software engineering skills,
without annoying recruiters.
Add your current skills, the skills you want to learn and what you are looking for in a new job.
Your personal information is not visible to companies. You are in control of who you are in contact with.
Only developers of companies can get in touch with you. You don't want to talk to a recruiter, right?
We comply with the European GDPR regulation. You can remove your profile entirely whenever you want.
You might not be looking for a new job right now.
But it is nice to know which companies like your skills.
No recruiters
Anonymous profile
You are in control
Get found by great companies
Talk with developers directly
According to the StackOverflow Survey 2019, 58.7% is open for new opportunities and 15.2% is actively looking for a job.
Next Avenue is invitation only.
We select businesses based on their technology stack, team and culture.
We will keep Next Avenue recruiter free.
We know skilled software engineers do not want to talk to recruiters.
You must at least commit to letting your
developers talk with developers on the platform.
No. If you are not currently working as a software engineer, you cannot join Next Avenue. We fully focus on experienced software engineers who have a proven track record.
There is no catch. We bypass recruiters entirely, by letting companies show interest in you. Only developers of selected companies can contact you. They will not see your personal information, untill you connect with them.
We are completely transparent about our revenue model. Some companies pay us a fixed € 5.000 fee when you get hired by them.
When we receive a matching fee, we split the revenue with you on 50-50 basis. You will get € 2.500, and we earn € 2.500.
Find out which companies are interested in your skills and are a good fit.
Start creating your profile